Thursday, November 15, 2007

Open Source Values

I just came across this great post on ZD|NET Blogs about Open Source Values. This article pretty much pins the key underlying concepts of Open Source that excite me so much: Transparency and Consensus.
Our access to information means that we demand to know more about who we are dealing with - who they really are - and it's easier than ever to find that out. The power of Open Source Intitatives in this modern landscape lies in their actions:
Tell the world what you do - update them daily.
Let them know what you value and how you are building value.
And share as much of it as you possibly can.
Work in teams, collaborate, and let ideas run rampant to see what they can become.
Invite everyone to participate, and nurture that community.

More than just being honest and giving as much as you can to each to day, an endeavor that strives to be transparent and open, while thriving on consensus, is a very beautiful thing. I want to give my all towards something great.
(Soon enough)

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