Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Site Launched : First Look at Google Analytics

The new website has finally gone live. The launch date last Friday, September 21st coincided nicely with my birthday.
Our new web entity hasn't seen much action yet, as there is really no natural search presence for our domain - but a quick look at Google Analytics shows that the design is a success.
Our bounce rate dropped 10% the day after the launch and is averaging 15% lower; the average time on the site increased 100% (from 40 seconds to over 1 minute and 30 seconds); and the number of pageviews grew from an average of two to over 4!
These are pretty good increases, and once we start to drive more traffic to the site I hope to work closely with Analytics to improve the usability even further.

With such a huge project behind me, I feel a bit anxious and much less busy! The CEO has selected to invest more into my Web Design skills, so I will be out of the office for the rest of the week for Dreamweaver Classes.

This could be the start of many beautiful (highly usable) things...

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